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Dr. Clean Aligners

Dr. Clear Aligners streamlined their HR & payroll processes with Parallel. They have saved 8-10 hours per hire.

100 +

Hours saved on Payroll each month

Dr. Clear Aligners Case Study

Introducing Dr. Clear Aligners

Dr. Clear Aligners is revolutionizing dental care by making teeth alignment accessible, affordable, and convenient. With their headquarters based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, they provide top-quality invisible braces and dental services across the country. Their team, comprised of both full-time and contract-based employees, serves clients in major cities all over Malaysia.

Navigating Complex HR & Payroll Challenges

Before discovering Parallel, Dr. Clear Aligners faced a myriad of HR and payroll management complexities. With a diverse workforce, managing contracts, onboarding new hires, and processing payments were time-consuming and inefficient tasks. The company needed a solution that could handle these challenges, allowing them to focus more on providing exceptional dental care and less on administrative burdens.

Adopting Parallel: A Game Changer for HR & Payroll

Dr. Clear Aligners turned to Parallel as their HR and payroll solution. Impressed by the speed and ease of the onboarding process, they quickly integrated Parallel's platform into their operations.

The platform's payroll feature made managing our team's employment simple, allowing us to focus on growing our business.

Dr. Clear Aligners

Reaping the Benefits of a Unified Platform

Parallel's platform streamlined Dr. Clear Aligners' HR processes, significantly reducing the time and effort required to onboard new employees. By automating contract creation and management, Parallel has cut down its onboarding and offboarding times significantly.

Additionally, the payroll feature of the platform proved to be a significant asset. It allowed the company to effortlessly manage payments, ensuring their employees were compensated accurately and promptly. This gave the HR team more time to concentrate on strategic tasks, contributing to the company's growth and success.

Looking Forward

Having found a comprehensive solution in Parallel, Dr. Clear Aligners looks forward to continuing their journey with the platform. They've expressed their strong recommendation of Parallel to other businesses seeking an effective HR and payroll solution, echoing their satisfaction with the platform's capabilities and the results they've achieved.

Parallel features they love:

  • HR Management

    Parallel's robust HR capabilities make onboarding, offboarding, and contract management effortless, saving valuable time.

  • Payroll

    The payroll feature simplifies the payment process, ensuring that employees are paid accurately and on time, every time.

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